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Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Conflict Management
East-Central Europe and South Asia


       bibliográfiák   » Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Conflict Management
    év 1969 1970 1972 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
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    1993: 167 tétel lapozás: 1-30 ... 91-120 | 121-150 | 151-167

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Schierup, Carl-Ulrik: Prelude to the inferno. In: Ethnicity and nationalism. Formation identity and dynamics of conflict in the 1990s. Ed. by Helena Lindholm. Göteborg 1993 173-203.

Schwartz, Jonathan: Macedonia. A country in quotation marks. In: The Anthropology of East Europe Review. Special issue. War among the Yugoslavs. Ed. by David A. Kideckel and Joel M. Harper. 11 (1993) 1-2, 93-99.

The situation in the former Yugoslavia and the United Nations. - Yugoslav Survey, 34 (1993) 2, 101-154.

Siupur, E.: Von Bessarabien zur Republik Moldau - die historischen Wurzeln eines Konflikts. - Südosteuropa, 42 (1993) 3-4, 153-162.

The truth on Kosova. The Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Albania, Institute of History. [Ed. staff: Kristaq Prifti ] Tirana: Encyclopaedia Publ. House 1993. 351 p.

Weithmann, M. W.: Makedonien - "Land zwischen vier Feuern". - Aussenpolitik, 44 (1993) 3, 261-270.

Bartak, K.: La Lettonie et L’Estonie entre nationalisme et pragmatisme. Le Monde Diplomatique, 40 (1993) 473, 3.

Cooper, Robert; Bardal, Mats: Outside interventions in ethnic conflict Survival, 35 (1993) 1, 118-142.

Hadjipavlou-Trigeorgis, Maria; Trigeorgius, Leon: Cyprus. An evolutionary approach to conflict resolution. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 37 (1993) 340-360.

Hooghe, Liesbet: Belgium: from regionalism to federalism. In: The territorial management of ethnic conflict. Ed. by John Coakley. London 1993. 44-68.

Kirschbaum, Stanislav J.: Czechoslovakia: the creation, federalization and dissolution of a nation-state. In: The territorial management of ethnic conflict. Ed. by John Coakley. London 1993. 69-95.

Laponce, J. A.: The case for ethnic federalism in multilingual societies: Canada’s regional imperative. In: The territorial management of ethnic conflict. Ed. by John Coakley. London 1993. 23-43.

Rizvi, Gowther: Ethnic conflict and political accomodation in plural societies. Cyprus and other cases. Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics. 31 (1993) 1, 57-83.

Gallagher, Tom: Ethnic tension in Cluj. RFE/RL Research Report, 2 (1993) 9, 27-33.

Oltay, Edith: Hungarians under political pressure in Vojvodina. RFE/RL Research Report, 2 (1993) 48, 43-48.

Reisch, Alfred A.: Slovakia’s minority policy under international scrutiny. RFE/RL Research Report, 2 (1993) 49, 35-42.

Shafir, Michael: The HDFR congress. Confrontations postponed. RFE/RL Reserch Report, 2 (1993) 9, 34-39.

We are afraid. Possibilities of avoiding and solving ethnic and social conflicts. Conference Material. Félünk. Etnikai és szociális konfliktusok elkerülésének, feloldásának lehetőségei. Konferencia anyag. Ed. by Nagy Gábor Tamás. Budapest: Humanitas Civitatis Foundation, 1993. 138 p.

Breslau, K.; Nagorski, A.: The Romani enigma. Newsweek, (1993) March 1, 38-41.

Bulgarisches Helsinki Komitee. Südosteuropa, 42 (1993) 3-4, 244-256.

Charlemagne, Jacqueline: Oů en est le droit des minorités, l’exemple tsigane. Etudes Tsiganes, 2. (1993) 2, 8-33.

Cigánykérdés a 20. század végi Magyarországon. Roma-question in the late 20th century’s Hungary Regio, 4 (1993) 1, 84-101. Engl. Res.

Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly. Report on Gypsies in Europe. Rapporteur: Mrs. Verspaget. Doc. 6733. 11 January 1993. 19 p.

Council of Europe. Resolution 249 of the Standing Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe. 28th session (16-18 March 1993) Resolution 249 (1993) on gypsies in Europe: the role and responsibility of local and regional authorities. 4 p.

Council of Europe/Parliamentary Assembly/ Ordinary session (44, 1993, Strasbourg) Recommendation 1203 of the Parliamentary Assembly (on Gypsies in Europe). 2 February 1993. 4 p.

CSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities. Report on Roma/Gypsies in the CSCE Region, 21-23 Septembre 1993.

Les familles Roms d’Europe de l’Est. Ed. Claire Auzias. Paris: Institut de l’enfance et de la famille, 1993. 113 p. (IDEF 3)

Gypsies in Hungary. World Press Review, 40 (1993) 10, 35-43.

Huber, Konrad J.: The Roma. Group identity, political activism and policy response in post-1989-Europe. Helsinki Monitor, 4. (1993) 3.

Poulton, Hugh: The Roma in Macedonia. A Balkan success story? RFE/RL Research Report, 2 (1993) 19, 42-45.

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