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Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Conflict Management
East-Central Europe and South Asia


       bibliográfiák   » Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Conflict Management
    év 1969 1970 1972 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
  szerző a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p r s t u v w y z  
  keresés á é í ó ö ő ú ü ű ă î â ţ ş szűkítés -  
    1988: 24 tétel lapozás: 1-24

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| kinyomtatom

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Banton, Michael: Racial consciousness. New York: Longman 1988.

Bisno, Herb: Managing conflict. Newbury Park CA: Sage 1988.

The social dynamics of peace and conflict. Culture in international security. Ed by Robert A. Rubinstein and M. L. Foster. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1988.

Cholewinski, Ryszard: State duty towards ethnic minorities. Positive or negative? Human rights Quarterly, 10 (1988) 3, 344-371.

Ethnic conflicts and human righs. Ed. by Kumar Rupesinghe. Oslo: The U. N. University; Norwegian University Press 1988.

Oxenknecht, Renate: Der Schutz ethnischer, religiöser und sprachlicher Minderheiten in Art. 27 des Internationalen Paktes über Bürgerliche und Politische Rechte vom 16. Dezember 1966. Frankfurt am Main; Bern; New York: Lang 1988. 228 p. (Schriften zum Staats- und Völkerrecht. 29)

Váli, Ferenc A.: International minority protection from the League of Nations to the United Nations. In: The Hungarians. A divided nation. Ed. by Stephen Borsody. New Haven 1988. 101-115.

Devetak, Silvo: The equality of nations and nationalities in Yugoslavia. Successes and dilemmas. Wien: Braumüller (1988) XI, 136 p.

Smith, Anthony D.: Social and cultural conditions of ethnic survival. Razprave in Gradivo 21 (1988) 15-26.

Magocsi, Paul Robert : Magyars and Carpatho-Rusyns. On the seventieth anniversary of the foundig of Czechoslovakia. Toronto, 1988. 34 p.

Richmond, Anthony H.: Immigration and ethnic conflict. New York: St Martin’s Press 1988. VIII, 218 p. ill.

Die Albaner im Kosovo. Göttingen: Gesellschaft für Bedrohte Völker 1988. 65 p. (Menschenrechtsreport. 1)

Almond, Mark: Decline without fall. Romania under Ceausescu. London: Inst. for Eur. Def.& Strat. St. 1988. 43 p.

Coufoudakis, Van; Kourvetaris, George: Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean. A region in turmoil. Journal of Political and Military Sociology, 16 (1988) Fall, 147-153.

Jackson, John D.: Community & conflict. A study of French-English relations in Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press 1988 VIII, 216 p. ill.

Leff, Carol Skalnik: National conflict in Czechoslovakia. The making and remaking of a state, 1918-1987. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1988. [IX], 304 p.

The endangered heritage of Romanian settlements = Le patrimoine menacé des agglomérations de Roumanie. Ed. Korompay Katalin. Budapest: The Planning Institute of Hungarian Ministry of Building and Urban Development 1988. [104] p.

The Hungarians. A divided nation. Ed. by Stephen Borsody. New Haven: Yale Center for International and Area Studies 1988. 405 p.

Hungarians in Czechoslovakia yesterday and today Ed. by Edward Chaszar. Astor, FL: Danubian Pr. 1988. 136 p.

Transylvania : A report on suppression of the Hungarian minority in Romania. Ed. by Björk Funnemark. Vienna: Intern. Helsinki Federation for Human Rights 1988. 60 p.

Hancock, Ian: The Pariah syndrom. An account of Gypsy slavery and persecution. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Karoma Publ. 1988. XII, 180 p., ill.

Silva, K.M. de; Duke, Pensri; Goldberg, Ellen S.; Katz, Nathan: Ethnic conflict in Buddhist societies: Sri Lanka, Thailand and Burma. London: Pinter 1988. VI, 220 p.

Vanniasingham, Somasundaram: Sri Lanka, the conflict within. New Delhi: Lancer, 1988. XII, 200 p.

Wilson, Jeyaratnam A.: The break-up of Sri Lanka. The Sinhalese-Tamil conflict. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1988. XIII, 240 p. maps.

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