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Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Conflict Management
East-Central Europe and South Asia


       bibliográfiák   » Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Conflict Management
    év 1969 1970 1972 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
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  keresés á é í ó ö ő ú ü ű ă î â ţ ş szűkítés -  
    1989: 40 tétel lapozás: 1-30 | 31-40

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Miles, Robert: Racism. London: Routledge 1989. 158 p.

Stark, Joachim: Völker, Ethnien, Minderheiten. Bemerkungen zu etnischen und terminologischen Problemen der Minderheitenforschung Jahrbuch für Ostdt. Volkskunde, 31 (1989) 1-53.

Staub, E.: The roots of evil: the origins of genocide and other group violence. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr. 1989. 336 p.

Waldmann, Peter: Ethnischer Radikalismus. Ursachen und Folgen gewaltsmer Minderheitenkonflikte am Beispiel d. Baskanlandes, Nordirland u. Quebec. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verl. 1989. 437 p.

Kuper, Leo: The prevention of genocide: cultural and structural indicators of genocidal threat. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 12 (1989) 2, 157- 173.

The anthropology of war and peace. Perspectives on the nuclear age. Ed by P. Turner and D. Pitt. Granby, Mass.: Bergin & Garvey, 1989.

Fédéralisme, régionalisme et droit des groupes ethniques en Europe = Föderalismus, Regionalismus und Volksgruppenrecht in Europa. Ed. by Franz Hieronymus Riedl and Theodor Veiter. Wien: Braumüller (1989) XIII, 521 p.

Romania: Enemy of its own people. A report prepared for the CSCE Human Rights Conference in Paris. June 1989. Vienna: The International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights 1989. 66 p.

The territorial rights of nations and peoples. Ed. by J. R. Jakobson. Lewingston NY: The Edwin Mellen Pr. 1989.

Vospernik, Reginald: Der Schutz ethnischer Gemeinschaften im slowenisch-österreichisch-italienischen Grenzraum. In: Féderalisme, régionalisme, et droit des groupes ethniques en Europe. Hommage ŕ Guy Héraud = Föderalismus, Regionalismus und Volksgruppenrecht in Europa. Festschrift für Guy Héraud. Hrsg. von Franz Hieronymus Riedl und Theodor Veiter. Wien 1989. 471-478.

Community conflict, partition and nationalism. Ed. by Colin H. Williams and Eleonore Kofman. New York: Routledge 1989. 261 p. ill., maps.

Conflict, development, and NGOs. Ed. by Ranjit Chaudhuri. Calcutta: Best Books 1989. 152 p.

Ethnic and religious conflicts. Ed. by George Tanham. New York: Crane Russak 1989.

Ethnicity. Identity, conflict and crisis. Ed. by Kumar David, Santasilan Kadirgamar. Hong Kong: Arena Press, 1989. X, 303 p. maps.

In search of Central Europe. Ed. by George Schöpflin and Nancy Wood. Cambridge: Polity Pr. 1989.

Tambiah, Stanley J.: Ethnic conflict in the world today. American Ethnologist, 16. (1989) 2, 335-349.

Olzak, Susan: Analysis of events in the study of collective action. Annual Review of Sociology 15 (1989) 119-141.

Lapidus, Gail: Gorbachev’s nationalities problem. - Foreign Affairs (1989) Fall, 92-108.

Olcott, Martha: Gorbachev’s national dilemma. - Journal of International Affairs, (1989) 4, 399-422.

Destroying ethnic identity. The expulsion of the Bulgarian Turks. New York: U.S.Helsinki Watch Committee 1989. 66 p. (A Helsinki watch report)

Höpken, Wolfgang: Die Emigration von Türken aus Bulgarien. Historisches und Gegenwärtiges. Teil 1: Die Emigration 1878 bis 1951. - Südosteuropa, 38 (1989) 608-637.

Kosovo und Metchien in der serbischen Geschichte. Autoren: Radovan Samardić. Lausanne: Ed. L’Age d’Homme 1989. 502, [32] p. Ill., maps.

Pipa, Arshi: The political situation of the Albanians in Yugoslavia, with particular attention to the Kosovo problem. A critical approach. - East European Quarterley, 23 (1989) 159-181.

Ramet, Pedro: Kosovo and the limits of Yugoslav socialist patriotism. - Canad. Rev. Stud. Nationalism, 16 (1989) 227-50.

Repishti, Sami: From protest to open challenge of the status quo. - Gärung in Mittel- und Osteuropa, Brugg 1989. 130-140.

Roux, Michel: La crise de la Kosovo : Histoire d’une intolérance réciproque. - L’Ethnographie, 106 (1989) 131-142.

Woehrel, Steven J.: Yugoslavia’s Kosovo crisis. Ethnic conflict between Albanians and Serbs. Washington, DC: Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service 1989. 19 p. (89-603 F.)

Bodor, Pál: A minority under attack. The New Hungarian Quarterly, 30 (1989) 114, 93-127.

Bodor, Pál: The essence of the Hungarian-Rumanian conflict. An interview with István Őszi. The New Hungarian Quarterly, 30 (1989) 113, 118-120.

Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly. The situation of the minorities in Romania, debate. 26 September 1989.

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