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Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Conflict Management
East-Central Europe and South Asia


       bibliográfiák   » Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Conflict Management
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Waldmann, Peter: Ethnischer Radikalismus. Ursachen und Folgen gewaltsmer Minderheitenkonflikte am Beispiel d. Baskanlandes, Nordirland u. Quebec. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verl. 1989. 437 p.

Walzer, Michael: Exclusion, injustice, and the democratic state. Dissent, 40 (1993) 1, 55-64.

Warren, K. B.: The violence within. Cultural and political opposition in divided nations. Oxford: Westview Press 1993. 262 p.

Conflict management and prevention

Antiracist strategies. Ed. by A. X. Cambridge, S. Feuchtwang. Aldershot: Avebury 1990. X, 162 p.

The art of conflict prevention. Ed by. Werner Bauwens and Luc Reychler. London: Brassey’s 1994 XIV, 218 p.

Azard, Edward E.: The management of protracted social conflict. Theory and cases. Aldershot: Dartmouth 1990. 157 p.

Bisno, Herb: Managing conflict. Newbury Park CA: Sage 1988.

Brunner, Georg: Minderheitenkonflikte. Bestandsaufnahme u. Lösungsansätze. Ethnos Nation, 1 (1993) 2, 33-48.

Burton, John; Dukes, F.: Conflict: practices in management, settlement and resolution. New York: St. Martin’s 1990.

Calic, Marie-Janine; Perthes, Volker: Krieg und Konfliktlösung in Bosnien und Libanon: ein Strukturvergleich. Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, (1995) 2, 141-156.

Chayes, Abram; Gaer, Felice D.; Scheffer, David J.; Morris, George E.: Conflict prevention for a new century Proceedings of the Eighty-Eight Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law, (1994) 88, 142-162.

Coakley, John: The territorial management of ethnic conflict. London: Frank Cass 1994. 230 p. (Regions and regionalism series 2.)

Conflict resolution. Cross-cultural perspectives. Ed. by Kevin Avruch, Peter W. Black, and Joseph A. Scimecca. New York: Greenwood Press 1991. X., 244 p. (Contributions in ethnic studies 28)

Constructive conflict management. Asia-Pacific cases. Ed. by Fred E. Jandt and Paul B. Pedersen. London: Sage 1996. 336 p.

Farley, John E.: Majority-minority relations. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall 1982. XII, 451 p.

Greco, E.: The role of the conflict prevention centre in the security system of the CSCE. Helsinki Monitor 5 (1994) 1, 1-15.

Hamburg, David: Ethnische Konflikte. Ursachen, Eskalation und präventive Vermittlung. Europa-Archiv, 48 (1993) 4, 117-122.

Horowitz, Donald L.: Ethnic conflict management for policymakers. In: Conflict and peacemaking in multiethnic societies. Ed. by Joseph V. Montville. Lexington, MA; Toronto 1990. 115-130.

Horowitz, Donald L.: Making moderation pay: The comparative politics of ethnic conflict management. In: Conflict and peacemaking in multiethnic societies. Ed. by Joseph V. Montville. Lexington, MA; Toronto 1990. 451-476.

Hurlburt, H.: A "Gesamtkonzept" for conflict management: bringing capabilities into line with exigencies. Helsinki Monitor, 5 (1994) 3, 55-62.

Hurlburt, H.: CSCE conflict resolution in practice. Helsinki Monitor, 5 (1994) 2, 25-38.

International conflict resolution. Theory and practice. Ed. by Edward E Azar, John W. Burton. Sussex: Wheatsheaf Books 1986.

Kuper, Leo: The prevention of genocide: cultural and structural indicators of genocidal threat. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 12 (1989) 2, 157- 173.

Lucas, M. R.: Minority rights and conflict management: developments in the CSCE and their-institutional context. In: Minderheiten als Konfliktpotential in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Gerhard Seewann. München (1995) 243-281.

Managing ethnic conflict. The Kona Statement. Princeton, NJ: Project on Ethnic Relations, 1994. 12 p.

McRae, K. D.: Conflict and compromise in multilingual societies. Belgium. Waterloo: Wilfrid Lauriel University Press 1986.

Meyer, Berthold: Erst die Spitze eines Eisbergs. KSZE-Konfliktmanagement und nationale Minderheiten. Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. Frankfurt am Main: HSFK 1992. V, 40 p. (HSFK-Report. 1992, 8)

Minderheiten im Konflikt. Fakten, Erfahrungen, Lösungskonzepte. Hrsg. von Kurt Müller. Zürich: Verl. Neue Zürcher Zeitung 1993. 200 p.

Minorities in politics. International symposium on national minorities in Central Europe. (Bratislava): Czecho-Slovak Comm. of the European Cultural Foundation 1991. 55 p.

Navaratna-Bandara, Abeysinghe M.: The management of ethnic secessionist conflict. The big neighbour syndrome. Aldershot: Dartmouth 1995.

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